“Perry & the Sad Vases”
by Peer Vink
Opening reception with the artist:
Saturday January 19th, 5-8 pm
Exhibition dates:
January 19th - March 2nd, 2019
The title “Perry & the Sad Vases” is a reference to the alter ego “Perry”, which Peer Vink often uses in his work. The inspiration for this name comes from the
erotic video with Paris Hilton, One Night in Paris. For Peer Vink, the video was the starting point of the society we are living in now: a hedonistic, individual and
self-loving society.
Peer Vink wants the presentation of his collection to be a visual explosion.
Similar to an aggressive advertisement, the display method is right in your face
and over the top. While his work as a Gesamtkunstwerk can be like a volcanic
eruption, his individual works are all aesthetic and poetic. They feature abstract
and figurative elements, and often tell a story about Peer Vink’s experiences and
The exhibition presents his new series of “Sad Vases”, made out of ceramic and
wood. Canvases will also be shown, as well as his own wallpaper and constructed
bar “One night in Perry’s”, a work that Peer Vink made as a metaphor for the
importance of art being visual rather than just conceptual.
During the opening party of the exhibition, drinks will be served from the
constructed bar and editions by Peer Vink will be given away to celebrate. Peer
Vink, born in 1990 in Arnhem, lives and works in Nijmegen. He graduated in
2018 from the art academy Sint Joost in Den Bosch.
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