“Planetary Code Request”
By Jonas Bechtloff
Opening with the artist:
Saturday April 6th, 17:00 – 20:00
Exhibition dates:
April 6th – May 11th, 2024
Ten Haaf Projects is pleased to announce: “Planetary Code Request”, a solo exhibition by
Jonas Bechtloff. The exhibition consists of sculptures constructed from various materials
and monotype prints created this year.
The artist primarily draws inspiration from science, alchemy and superstition. While
doing research for this body of work, he became very interested in space: Space as the
never-ending unknown universe, and mankind's limitations to fully understand this.
In addition to science, Bechtloff also gets his ideas from archeological finds. From these
relics of the past and the science of today he creates his own world, a place where space and time travel, as well traveling within the human mind, is possible.
The title “Planetary Code Request” was a starting point for Bechtloff for this exhibition.
What if he got an incepted message from outer space? A message he had to decipher. The
alchemists have the Emerald Table. An ancient text, the founding text of alchemy. The
artist was imagining he would somehow receive a message that he would have to decode.
Would it be a message from outer space, or perhaps instructions? Would time and space
travel be possible in a new form? The artist tries to shine a new light on the relationship
between science and art, which for him are the main creative impulses and the foundation of all knowledge of mankind.
All the works in the exhibition illustrate this artist's journey, a quest while decoding the
message: “Planetary Code Request”. Spaceships and planets are depicted, as well as the
science that makes it all possible. Sculptures in many different forms and prints are presented side by side. A new world is formed, where everything is possible.
Download press invitation
Jonas Bechtloff was born in 1992 in Germany. He studied at the Art Academy Düsseldorf
and graduated in 2020. His work can be found in private and institutional collections.
This is his second solo exhibition at Ten Haaf Projects.