A show with works
by Carola Ernst and Matthias Hesselbacher
Exhibition dates:
September 4th – October 23rd
Opening Party with the artists:
Saturday the 4th of September from 17:00 hrs
Ten Haaf Projects is pleased to announce ‘’Wildfire’’ an exhibition by two Berlin based artists; Carola Ernst and Matthias Hesselbacher. Like a wildfire in nature that burns away all on its path so new things can grow, so will Ernst and Hesselbacher examine the destruction and the fresh start that comes after. The show will consist of paintings, woodcuts, drawings, collages and sculptures.
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Carola Ernst ( b. 1981) works in different media. We will show drawings, woodcuts and sculptures. Her work is influenced by visionary architecture, philosophy, as well as art itself. Many of her works deal with the relation of an imaginary world in relation to the real world. In her drawings that are wild and chaotic she develops a new reality This is then further worked out in her sculptures which are totems and monuments for a new order.
Matthias Hesselbacher( b 1978) examines in his works the different ways reality are seen in past, present and future. His work is influenced by different art from different cultural eras: the great sculptures from the Romans and Greeks and by the Gothic sculptor Tillman Riemschneider. But also by political speeches as for instance those of Winston Churchill. He further examines the influence and possible consequences of these human actions on the world we live in. The gallery will show Hesselbacher latest series of collages.