“Young and Restless”
by Luka Kurashvili, Sebastian Weggler, André Giesemann and Daniel Schulz
Opening party with artists: Saturday June 4th, 5-8 pm
Exhibition dates: June 4th – July 16th 2011
Ten Haaf Project is pleased to announce "Young and Restless", a summer group show with the young and the restless: Luka Kurashvili, Sebastian Weggler, André Giesemann and Daniel Schulz. Works of different media will be on view: photographs, tapestries and works on canvas.
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Luka Kurashvili (1985) is originally from Georgia, and studies under Peter Doig at the Academy of Düsseldorf. His canvases that are on view show large figures: sometimes in a symbolic, other times in a realistic landscape. Starting point in his work are personal experiences, but also political and social events and interpretations.
Sebastian Weggler (1983) is a recent graduate (2011) from the Academy of Düsseldorf. Weggler works in different mediums as canvas, tapestries and video. On view will be his large tapestries made of felt. His work is first glance witty, and seduces the viewer to look closer. Then the work unfolds, as the viewer naivety makes place for different themes and ideas, hidden behind the humorous subjects. Weggler explores in this work materials used for mass production and transforms them into art.
André Giesemann (1980) and Daniel Schulz (1982) are two German photographers working together on the ‘’Vom Blieben’’ series. This body of work explores the techno scene. Giesemann and Schulz enter the clubs just after the crowd has left. What is left is an empty place where the rubble is on the floor, and an eerie atmosphere of desolation has taken hold of the club.